«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: adventure..

Thursday, April 26, 2007


" everyday is a new adventure " ....Arthur..

i don't think that's the exact quote but ah wells.. you get the gist...

GO ABC CLASSIC cartoons !!! =] .. they were awesome...one day ...one day.. i will get my hands on the full season of "The Animals of Farthing Wood" ..and watch it ..

thursdays...are my no break days.. 11am - 6.15pm .. kinda sucky.. BUt BUTT!!! i get two hours off..hehehe. .coz biology is cancelled due the anzac day yesterday ^^

hm..meeting new people is fun ^^.. i get a buzz out of it lol...

and bumping into ex-glenny kids is also fun.. especially since you were only thinking .."wow..it's been a while since i saw ...."..and then the next thing you know..they are on the same train as you ^^

Things to be grateful for..

i have no 8AM starts
no matter what day it is.. i always randomly bump into someone i know n catch up
..i am able to stay up till 10pm without my eyes getting fuzzed up.. yay..progress.. although i shouldnt be pushing it. =/
there is a tv in the house
clean water flowing out from the taps
cable internet
the telephone
parents to give you money ^^
being able to get three decent meals in a day
able to hear music
comics books
..frankness in friends

...and...the list could go on....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

- Winning top 10 in the arena

You seem to have so much gold. I just spent all of mine on two of the donation items and one of the elegant wigs. So broke. T_T
Thank goodness it's not real life! xD

7:23 PM  

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