«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: offline messages

Thursday, April 19, 2007

offline messages

new msn allows people to send message to you...even though you are offline.. so the next time you open the computer it pops up immediately..

~~::{Nightfrost}::~~ My world just got large sent 18/04/2007 10:04 PM:
~~::{Nightfrost}::~~ My world just got large sent 18/04/2007 10:04 PM:
~~::{Nightfrost}::~~ My world just got large sent 18/04/2007 10:04 PM:
~~::{Nightfrost}::~~ My world just got large sent 18/04/2007 10:08 PM:
u bum

hahhaa,.. fragmented yet funny if read as one sentence =P
hehe.. go sniff ya own bum =P

anyways.. I PASSED BIO!!! hahaa.. take that =P..
i decided to cram on the train trip up.. made sure i sat by meself..and read! i actually bought that fat ass book to school -___-" my back died..but it was worth it.
reading on the train is effective =].. will have ta do that for pre-prac reading for tomorrow..rat dissection ...blah..hope everyone learned from year 8 or 9 or whenever they did it.. NOT to cut open the intestines =[... bad...bad... odor ..*faint*

but yer. .i was pissed that i got this certain question wrong.. coz it was a CHEM question.. bloody hell..and we did it in year 11 and 12.. "what is the the bond/link name for a disaccharide where it's joined from two monosaccharides?" .. well something like that..and i put peptide.. bleh..so dumb..

bleh. bio assignment coming up ..didnt know they had a blog!! LMAO.. a blog. to encourage us to stay up to date,.


lol. do the quiz..

i like this question...from my observations at the library i say the answer is "b"

hmm.. havent done this in a while... off Kristin's blog

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night? my own .

Q: What colour shirt are you wearing? blue with orange print

Q: Most recent movie that you watched? TMNT!! hehe.. awesome.. and some french surreal filmm.. watched it in cinema studies... bleh.. bad bad bad.. a whole movie about "whorehouses"..that subject has shown me too much of the unnecessary details of the world =.=. so yer.. that doesnt count.

Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? eat

Q: What's the colour of your bedroom walls? white. how boring

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? nothing on me right now

Q: What's your favorite sport?..tough one.. volleyball..or..hmm..what was that other sport i liked.. oh YER! SQUASH!! hehe.

Q: I can't wait till...? I get a job, learn how to cook so i can move out of this place

Q: When was the last time you saw your mum? well.. bout.. 1min?

Q: Who got you to join myspace? ewww..myspace

Q: What did you have for dinner last night? rice...and more rice -_-

Q: Look to your left. What's there? sister's bed

Q: Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? hmm..dont think i borrowed anyone's stuff..ever...

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? sadly that uni lms website.. so i can print lecture notes. -_-

Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car? i wish i had a car.. more importantly i wish i could drive one... well.. =P

Q: Do you have plants in your room? no ..ewww..that leads to animals living in the soil it's in =P

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? dang back..and neck.. from reading bio on the train

Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in? oh my..never been in one.. 0.o

Q: Do you own a picture phone? yes..aunt gave me her old one hehe.

Q. Last Song you listened to: hmm.. listen to your heart.....i think that's what it's called.. some song played in Melbourne central...

1. What are you doing now: internet; blogging, printing notes.
2. What are you doing tonight: SLEEP!..
3. What are you wearing: clothes?
4. What did you eat for lunch: sandwich as usual

1. Is: going to be back to uni day
2. Got any plans?: yeah, actually go to class and stop skipping
3. Whats your goal?: go to stats tute, discuss with sue click click plans
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: everything
5. Do you have work: nope

1. Missing someone: all the time
2. Mood: tired
3. Listening to: mum yelling into the phone two rooms down, lost playing on tv, the sound of me typing and the notes printing..

okie. done =]

rat dissection tomorrow!! aRGH!!.. my friend bought in a camera and took photos.. @.@ and showed it too me whilst i was eating. .. bleh.. grroosss


Blogger Kristin Suvern said...

whoa;; how do you listen to so many things at once :| you should put some headphones on and let the music drown it all out :)

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAH excuse me. Do not twist my words. HAHAH i was actaully laughing for a minute after i read that.

7:08 PM  

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