«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: blurr

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


bleh.. time is still going really fast..
at least this time i aint complaining.. yay for the uni break =]

TODAY i came home before the SUNSET!!
bwahahaa.. yay..no prac.. so attended all the early lectures...blah.. usually we get out of the 6.15pm class and it's black. poo..
but today.. 3pm back @ glenny.. and SUNNY!! a rare event..

also headed to rmit library today.. SO AWESOME! hahha...doesnt smell or have flickering lights like baill. melb. uni library. XD

the space reminds me of VCD.. ..spacious and big tables..and lots of computers everywhere..the librarians are also more friendly ... atmosphere: you could breathe..unlike baill. library.. is hmm.. choking .. computers always taken up..and people are so tense looking 0_0 .. *misses folio work* I would transfer out and do an art course..but considering the new models to be introduced..and the eradication of the double degrees.. im lucky and wont have another chance to do what im doing now..

apparently rmit recently got more funding..and renovated their library..so that's why it looks all new and stuff.. hmm.. *borrows books there* hehehe.. i think i might end up going there to study lol.. oR move go to the ERC (is that what it's called?) .. hmm. got lost there..didnt end up finding the library lol.

to do list..

head to top design , top arts, acmi... hehe.. it's for me own interest AND uni assignment. fun fun =]

eat less fast food ...ie. wake up and make my own sandwiches =/

read ..the readings =_=

forget the age groupings in high school... i mean.. everyone in our year levels were either 17 or 18.. and if you were 17 we were like.. young!! and 18..ahha OLD!! but now that we are in uni..and we sit next to different people all the time.. met new ppl..see new faces.. i forget that there older people in our classes.. ..people are TWENTY!!..20+ ..yer.. XD.. i keep forgettin this fact..and making a stupid face..whenever someone states their age.. *smacks self*.. must really stop it.
bleh..got me distracted for the rest of lecture.. imagine.. me twenty!! in two years!! ..scary...hmm..most likely still jobless...and xmen loving...and behind in reading -______-" bugger it

sleep some more..zzzz

caught up with ashray and 3rd year med friend whom i dunno how ta spell his name..and he says.. "get your sleep".. i couldnt agree more...


Blogger solace said...

I got a 40 year old in my Geoscience unit D:

9:07 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

wowz.. XD

10:58 PM  

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