«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: i hate mondays..

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

i hate mondays..

wasn't it all he said? and exclaim his love for lasagna lol

haha anyways.. sometimes despite how hard you try and do work..or think about doing work..or plan to do work.. it just doesn't happen =.='

what i had planned:

not much.. but have the whole entire day to do my cinema studies project. To do two out of my five paragraphs of my esssay at least

What Monday had planned:

Sleep in...

Cousin i hadnt talked to in ages...years...in america decides to pop up on msn ..finally!!.. all those years lost.. lol. .catch up catch up....

im ordered to hand wash all the washing...and clean the toilet -____-"... that took a while..
the internet is stuffed....so an uncle came over to try and fix it.. so i had to sit here in front of the comp watching for i dunno how long.. snacked on biscuits...

A guests decides to rock up just as i'm about to walk and pick up my text books to study...guests + mum = loud. therefore no study can be done.. so watched sister set up a DA account and post stuff.. aRGH!! she already has three people favourite her stuff!! she is beating me *sob* lol..

here's the link:

...hehe ..photography.. nice hobby.. so i decided to post something too...

..and now it's 6.45pm.. and we have to go out to dinner..aunty's b'day party..

@ Asian resturant as usual...and waH.. coincidence or what? The table in front of us was Alan's family.. whom they were also celebrating their aunty's b'day..and we eat the exact same sTUFF!! ..hahha.. surprising both families decided gettin mango cake for the birthday girl.. 0.o..spooky..

..the three tables to our left belonged to my primary school friend Adrienne.. ahh havent seen her in ages..

well..that means i basically knew the whole resturant..that night.. =/

..came home... sleep..

*bugger no work done *


Blogger Kristin Suvern said...

I think I remember her :/

4:33 PM  

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