«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: bleh

Monday, April 02, 2007


finally the bio lecture notes are up

*starts printing*


libraries are eerie places.. especially the smell and the buzz of electricity and the slight flicker of the lights in the upper levels.. dammit.. first research assignment.. -____-" and i discovered that monash library has better boooks.. hehe.. will visit you pplz one day.

bleh...so dead lazy.. stuff gettin Ps...

work on..

cinema assignment..

..bio catch up..

,,chem catch up..

..psych week 1 catch up -_____-

and.. horn. .=]

lalaa.. printing done..

hmm.. japanese director film screening tomorrow.. wonder what's that's like..

train trips still havent gotten any better.. or faster.. same old same old..

grr.. how annoying..sister is on holidays.. -____-" i have to come home to a little sister recapping/ranting on about everything she has seen in "bleach" (anime) episodes..

bugger.. it's been a while since i've seen any xmen =[

THANKS Grace Winnie Indi FOR THE x-triology!! heheeh

ohla .. a nightcrawler/ninja creation ^^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAH too bad it took so long to get to you. LOl 3 months after birthday

10:25 PM  

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