«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: how to stay awake in lectures...

Friday, March 30, 2007

how to stay awake in lectures...

in no particular order...

1. Eat breakfast . four weetbix + will be sufficient.

2. Have at least 6 hours of sleep the night before

3. Bring snacks (you will stay awake but might end up distracted my the different colours of the lollies XP )

4. Sit next to some ultra smart guy/girl . (you tend to either pay attention and try to keep up with their level.. or since they are a stranger you fall asleep)

5. Sit next to your friends (they will definately keep you awake..but you might end up chatting or doodling over each other's lecture notes)

6. Sit at the VERY front of the theater .. ( hahaa.. nargena fell asleep in front of lecturer.. how embarrassing =P )

7. Do the pre-reading (so you understand what is going on so you don't give up and tune out)

8. Wear uncomfortable clothing?? (haven't tried that one)

9. Sit at the back of the theater.. ( you will stay awake because they always talk up the back..and in the case of chemistry/bio throw paper planes.. only problem is that you can't concentrate on what's being said)

10. Don't print the lecture notes.. (so you have to make your own notes first... but then again.. you think i cant be bothered this will be on the slides -___- )

yer.. so that's ten ways i just pulled out of no where to stay awake in lectures.. so far no. 1, 4, and 7 work for me =] but yer.. should read more -______-"

random quotes i've picked up throughout week 5 of uni:

"..you are the most weirdest girl i've ever talked to..."

" you look different...do you have a date?.."

".. i hate men..."

"... the reading is bullsh*t...."

"...don't get a nose ring...it makes you look like a bull..."

the above are reasons why i like frank-ness ..if that's a word.. in a person

frank1 [frangk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun, verb –adjective
1.direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere

hmm. wait it is a word =]

frank·ness [frangk-nis] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun plainness of speech; candor; openness.

you get straight to the point.. so airy fairy subliminal messages...
so you understand straight away.. what is being asked or said..
for lazy people like me.. no need for interpretation



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