«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: gone crackers...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

gone crackers...

Gone crackers...

yer haven't blogged in a while. Been hardcore cramming for chinese oral exam..badly. =.=' geez, still soo stuffed and progress is slow but i guess that is better than nuffin right? Okay, so hmmm lets see what's interesting lately..

Had crackers for breakfast hmm.. had to try them all so i can figure which ones are the best lol.. ate too much >.< wellz here's my rating of the arnott's (if that's how ya spell it) range

  1. Stoneground crackers yummm
  2. entertaining cracker ..haha..
  3. sesame water crackers
  4. sesame wheat crackers
  5. original water cracker
  6. wheat cracker..
Hmm.. ate while reading the catalogs i got from the letter box.. dunno why but i like reading and circling stuff on catalogs even though i'm not going to buy any of it.. haha.. i'll put that on my imaginary wish list lol.. it's mostly food newayz..

WAH!!! FRENCH HORN PRICES DECREASED!! i feel soo jibbed!!! *sob

wellz.. they have a new range of horns called jacob smith for $815 and it's a full double meaning you it's like two french horns combined in the one and it comes with a detachable bell!! wahh..
i got mine for $3762 -_-' but it's a yamaha and i guess they are more reliable coz they have been round for longer.. but wah!! the price difference and the detachable bell..haha ah wellz



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