«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: whaaaatTT the???

Monday, October 03, 2005

whaaaatTT the???

okay doing english hw.. yes..im actually going to finish doing hayley's stupid assigned homework this time round.

sittin in front of computer and then i just started leaking... T_T .. yer.. soo Strange!! .. what the..
maybe i need a break from starring at the computer screen too long.. i definately wasn't sobbing or crying or anyting..there was nothing to grieve bout.. heaps ta be thankful for.. but wahh.. so ooddd..weird took a whole three minutes for the message from brain saying "stop you stupid watery eyes" ta get through.. so WIERDD!!.. >.< .. maybe it means someone else is really depressed at the moment which i have neglected ta talk too..i dunnoz..gahh..

>> i think i need my sleep..


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