«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Day 1 of work experience

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Day 1 of work experience

10AM - 5PM of work experience today at frontline graphic design firm..
the studio only consisted of five people.. small company but they have done quite a lot of jobs. Hmm..just staying for that one day pretty much gave me an overview of what they were doing for the past year or so. Very nice people...

What i bascially did was explore the apple computers and the program photoshop.. that clone button function thing is soo awesome.. You can erase words off photos or documents or pictures without harming the background it's on basically...i never knew you could do that =P

I was meant to have been working on product design and coming up with my own thingy but i decided to work on my vcd project instead.. maybe they can help me with that hehe.. XD

Gah.. my drawings are so crappy..


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