«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: dAy Two... at frontline

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

dAy Two... at frontline

Hmm.. what did i do today?? went on a excurions.. yay!! lol.. Maria (this designer) finished her job and went to hand it in today and i tagged along XD hehe.. Highett is such an industry based suburb so many factories and warehouses around.

Hmm.. today boss's son came in and did stuff.. for an eleven year old he is smart.. and tall ... -_-' bleh.. anyways.. i continued with my vcd project.. hehee.. they are going to help me finish it. =D wo0T.. professionals hhahaha.. wellz.. they will help me when i'm done rendering my drawings on photoshop.. bleh sitll no idea of how to make them 3D..very interesting program.. so much stuff involveD!!

The rest of the time i helped the people do clippings.. where you had to outline the object wanted and leave out the background and then save it as a different file.. soo tedious.. That way you don't have fill in the back obscuring text or stuff on a brochure.

Neways it was fun.. and the people are soo nice. i wouldn't mind working there for me career.. on the ways down the stairs to the car on our excursion there was this colourful butterfly in the corner.. they stopped!!...stopped to pick it up.. took bout 5 mins.. but they bothered to stop and carefully pick it up and place it outside..such gentle pplz!!


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