«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hmm..new client for me?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

hmm..new client for me?

i never knew filing could give you so many paper cuts.. hmm i only noticed when i was bleeding >.< gah.. i must have jabbed my hand between the drawer or something..

it's weird i don't notice cuts i get on my hands most of them are small anyways.. but i only notice when it's like..huh.. what is this cool (as in cold :P) substance >.< blood..then it's all yukky and sticky ..

hmm..some pplz say it tastes salty.. lol.. it takes like metal. haha.. okay..nvm ..

>>> i feel that there is a need for a topic change *looks around*

okay...the work experience pplz realised i was more into design than quick books and accounting so they let me design their brochure. Wellz.. i'm lazy and they have already done most of the pages featuring houses they have renovated and installed their products on.. so i just fixed up the back page...hehe that was fun.. =]

i've finally realised something that i'm sorta okay at... *to create something out of nuffin and last minute artwork ..haha.. thankz for the encouraging comments pplz.. but still drawing is a work in progress

but i wish i knew what my spiritual gift was.. .*sigh..that's goina take a lot longer to nut out..

nice comments today: "wow.. you should do all our companies brochures"
most commented comment today: [x5] "you...are WEiRd.." =.= i think i know that lol.. lemme ask the simple question.. define normal... =]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like ur very philasophical ending paragraph, i agree, what is normal. I spose it depends on the individual to define it.

u are weird. but then again so is everyone else :P

ur so clever getting work experience during hte holz!!.

;) good work

11:33 PM  

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