«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: o0D sp0T ^_-

Saturday, September 24, 2005

o0D sp0T ^_-

o0D sp0T ^_-

yesterday.. friday.. hmm.. had japanese food for the first time.. hmm. nice.. very filling. The tea was also nice.. lol.. tastes lot different ta chinese tea which is kinda plain and boring. That tasted like a seasame cookie or something lol..

Then went to friends place.. problem was that only one person knew how to drive and we had one car.. hmm.. and seven people =_= *fingers crossed we don't get caught..

Luckyly it was a kinda bigish car.. but still four people in the back seats is squishy..and poor steven had to sit in the boot >.< but it was an open boot so that was okay.. haha, he would pop up now and then saying
>> "bumpy!! don't drive so fast!"
>> everyone: "GET DOWN!! we don't wanna get caught!"

hehehe.. i gave up trying to sit on the seat..and just sat on the car floor.. actually that was somewhat more comfortable and spacious.. kinda.. and it was like i was invisible..

hhahaha.. i seem ta be an invisible person.. no one really take notice of me.. in a way that's good and in another sense it's bad.. i hate repeating how i've meet someone three times -_-'

newayz.. sitting in front of the computer is boring..

>> laterz


Anonymous Anonymous said...

huh...how strange...
invisible eh? sounds depressingly boring...

9:04 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

=P being invisible is NOT boring..


10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ye casue of he freedom of things u can do without anyone noticing :P ^_-

11:07 PM  

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