«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: *tear

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


it's not pain and harsh words that brings tears to my eye but the simple caring acts which people carry out that do..

Seeing how people around us that are so thoughtful and all is just amazing. I would like to thank everyone that has visited during the past week. Mum wont be able to move for a month but that factured tailbone will heal overtime.. ^-^ definately better than a 50% success rate of the operation if it would be carried out.. that whole backbone is wrapped with nerves and stuff >.< Thanks for all the food you've given us.. it's what i've been living off at the moment.. no time to make stuff to eat.. busy busy.. production practise every night til 7pm (except friday)and dozens of sacs...well not dozens.. but too much for my brain.

wellz.. with all ya help i'm making it through..

*just v. thankful =]

now gtg study for general test.. vetors.. =/ haven't finished any excercise from either two chapters -_-'


Blogger - jaz. said...

sandra sandra sandra.. you're in my thoughts and prayers. you and your whole family. you have my respect.

8:54 PM  

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