«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: PLAYGROUND!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005


It's been a while since i've been near a playground... a while since i've been near primary skool.. blah.. miss it.. stupid year 11 requires too much energy..

newayz. this week i'm going back to chiense school.. since i didn't go last week and that would mean ditching alice.. sorri !!

Break.. went exploring around wesley.. yes there is where i go for chiense skool =P and yer.. playground!! money BARS!! haha.. tried doing a pull up.. that thing where you swing yourself up on the bar but ahhh.. i'm so weak and unflexible now -__-' Wow.. alice.. you can still do that stuff!! haha.. I was too big to climb on top of the bars.. bleh.. nearly fell flat on my face.. but they excitment and plain stupid fun we had was just what i needed.. feel little dizzy though ...

nice sunny day.. walked home.. arms are aching *gosh gettin old* ... hmm.. should go on money bars more often.. =P


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