«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: poke poke..grr...poKe... ^_-

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

poke poke..grr...poKe... ^_-

Hmm. .what is this new latest craze of poking people passing it as harmless fun.. hmmm??? It's rather odd and creeping me out.. =/ What's up with the poking people?!!

*cough jenny lol.. ya poke someone and expect them to not poke back.. wellz that's not likely to happen ...then ya complain and cry "ouch" and the war is on.. pok poke pok poke!! like CraZY! hmm..would ya believe it or not .. it's actually dangerous, haha.. quyen.. you are a living example. Ya index finger is swollen and purplE!!! And that was just from a single misjudged poke lol..

Hmm...gettin people's attention is much easier if you called their name isn't it?? or whacking them harder lol.. Neways.. i just thought that this poking this going on is weird.. (disturbing) ..

My prefered option... no contact =P

or this could just be me...


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