«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ARGH!!.............why????

Thursday, August 25, 2005


this suks.. must make up mind about subjects...and by friday.,.TOMORROW!!
Geezz.. i could have looked at courses and subject prereqs a lot earlier.. grr.. luke.. you already know exactly what are you doing for the next three years.. grr..music 3/4 and music enhancement in year 10... -_-

So i have most of it figured out..

and ___something__

Wanna do a science course.. need eng and methods and two of chem, physics or additional maths.. unless i get an enter of 92.00 + then i will only need one of chem, physics or additional maths. geez.. no way am i doing spec maths.. so guess i will need enter of 92 =/

Art courses sound interesting =] all i need is english though.. but studio art and media are middle band.. hmm which one ta choose??? i couldn't choose so it will have to come down to which one scales down less.. *checked.. THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME! geez... i have no idea what i wanna do except vaguely some science or art thing.. and gah.. this doesn't help..

the only thing i'm worried about is that these subjects can affect stuff in the future..gah.. i don't ususally have to think that far in advance.. =[ i'm more just live day by day.. thank everything that comes by.. but VCE?? why do they make such a big fuss bout it ..hmmph


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