«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: seriously bored

Friday, August 05, 2005

seriously bored

AHAHAHAH... never thought that random quiz will say i'm sasuke.. grr...don't like that character...hmm see what you get

Right.. neways.. double general..boring.. half pplz at science works excursion

I basically spent the whole time wonder what other fasinating things where on lyn's calculator haha.. that new black 84 one.. it has a clock, "education games" hahah.. where you had to solve for x in the equation before the line reached the bottom of the screen lol..it was called free fall (hehe..beat my score of 641.. i was BORED okay!!) that keep me amused for say 10 mins =P haha.. then there were tutorials LOL!! There was this picture of the owl andn it taught you how to do simulatious/ elimation equations ..wow.. that tiny screen taught ya all that..

Also it had this alien shape ship game.. solve the question correctly to get the alien into the ship..my goodness it even had the picture of the alien..think it's name was Drak or something
-__-' blah the stuff they come up with

The other odd thing was there was like a general knowledge quiz.. say.. what is the capital city of this and this.. and so and so discovered this in what year.. etc.. weird...


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