«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: MUHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2005


ARGHHHHHHHHH....dunno what has got into me but sheeeshhh... i really hate my english teacher... i know it's a really dumb thing ta do...but gah... -__-' just can't help it...

So yer.. .too busy ta do the homework can't be bothered... and don't pay attention in class.. but then againz i never did pay attention in english class.. it was only at lunchtime that the teacher called me.. bleh...she just happened ta walk behind meh..

Here is was the exact convo:

"Can i ask you something?"
"yer...what"....boy she is weird.... probably reading too many horoscopes.. no offense to pplz who read em..but i think she takes em TOo seriously....
"Are you okay"!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAH she asked as if i was having a mental breakdown or some crazy mental disease....disturbed thingy...HAHAHA
"No..i'm fine" - a lot of nasty answers came to mind.. but best ta be innocent and simple
Hmm..also asked, "hmm..why do you ask?"
"Wellz...just at the start of the year you seemed really enthusiastic...and now wellz.."
HAHAHHAAAH!!! SINCE WHEN??? i've never really paid attention in class..always doing other hw during it anyways... lol...everyone see's me as the quite nerd..that is "good" pffft....like i want to live up to that title..

i laughed.."I've never been enthusiastic.."
she was shocked.."So you were just pretending?"
"No, i never pretend..."

that was pretty much it.. hahah..just only a week ago i thought about play mind games on her.. hahaa..but that's too far.. must stoppp hating her...GRAHH!! takes too much energy -__- should really pray bout it...

bleh..music camp.... dont' wanna go


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THATS why u hate her so much!!!
i was wondering why...thats pretty weird..ina funny way
hmmm, are u just pretending samdra!!!?
:D she prob just concerned. have more fun in english!

10:14 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

ohla.. a comment lol.. my blogspot is so dead. haha

8:26 PM  

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