«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: aww...mr. popov has a friend..

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

aww...mr. popov has a friend..

it's either a friend or an apprentice...hmm.. an apprentice for a garbo position.. blah.. don't think so.. Neways ya probably dunno what i'm on about.. During general.. yes general.. and i hate it.. cause it's very useless.. never should have done it... stupid skool making me do two maths. grrr..

Yer, since i sit right near the door i saw mr. popov and that weird guy that always seems ta be a mr popov wanna be.. no joke. We were in the sci-tech building minding our business when he just has come up to us shouting and yelling at us to get our of there because of our bags...grr. What is with that guy and bags.. ..yeah... so when both of them came to the door peeped in and looked around as if they lost something.. haha.. it was very funny.. made eva lyn and me crack up anyways. It almost looked like they were walking hand in hand. *sighh.. maybe it's his nephew or something.


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