«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Non-alcoholic cocktails ^_-

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Non-alcoholic cocktails ^_-

Well wellz… Friday instead of having youth at church we thought we would go over to James house. Very big house…double storey...first time I’ve been.
Meant ta bring along a friend but I didn’t..ooopppss…sorry. Righto, got picked up at 6.45ish by Victor and we went ta get drinks. He bought a lot of soft drinks. Went on another shopping spree later to get strawberries.

Got to his place…me can’t carry stuff to anythings…and dropped the whole box of strawberries.. oooppss.. SOrRY!

Hmm.. played few games.. got ta eat skittles but ya had to answer a question and do a silly action for which ever skittle colour you randomly picked. Bleh.. never landed on my turn.. didn’t to anything stupid.. watching William do the moon walk was kinda funny. HAha.. and jasmine decided to not do the stupid action taking the punishment which was a cup full of anything edible we put in it. There was like tomato sauce, jap bbq sauce, soda water, lots of different soft drinks, cordial.. HAHA.. ya should have seen her face. James had ta write his name with his butt in the air.. *cough.. victor came up wif that move.. and Colin.. 10 push ups..

The food was good.. waffles.. yumm...with chocolate sauce..mmmmhmmmm....=] Mixing up all our drinks was kinda funny. the first drink made up was nice.. kinda like tangy kiwi fruit juice..then the rest was blah.. *cough not so good.. word of advice for all those who want to mix up ya own cocktail don't...dont add orange juice.. it screws it up.. ..oh..and the more ya add the more closer the drink gets to brown lol..


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