«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ARGH!!! *english...going down the drain

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

ARGH!!! *english...going down the drain

hmm..having lived my whole life in Australia my english still suks.. maybe it's due to may dislike in reading.. and.. my extremely poor vocab.. who knows.. but english class isn't helping.. the TEacher isn't helping. hmm...lets recount what happened in today's class... don't expect too much.. like the teacher said herself... "I'm warning you in advance that today's lesson is going to be boring...." then i tuned out..

But first before we even entered the room she told us we were to work in partners...hmm..that's alright.. less work for me.. then she annouced she has allocated our partners and our seating arrangment.. WAH!!! bleh.. paired up with the year 12 guy..that's alright.. at least he knows everything haha.. she began the class with.. a brain teaser.. -_-'

"You are outside this room.. can't see in it.. outside there are 3 switches.. each of which turns on a bulb inside.. you can only walk into the room once.. how do you match each switch to each bulb?"

how stupid.. we were in pairs and it obviously seemed like a group task.. pfft.. easy..james walks in.. and me being outside flicks the switches.. hmm.. turns out we got the wrong idea.. only one person is doing the switching and walking.. bah.. ..still wondering why we are in groups...

answer: she photocopied booklets.. yes FAT CHUNKY booklets full of "activities" that enhance our english skills *cough cough.. but turns out there is only enough for one between two. -_-' she was warned about using too much paper or something. blah...

hmm..so one booklet two people..one piece of work to hand in cool.. but aRGH.. she has ta be difficult and say we both have to hand in our own.. piece of work.. the only reason we are in partners is that we can read the booklet -___-'.... term 3 alright.. wow ...survived year 11 for 3/4 of the year..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psh. Only reason we're in pairs is so the 'bad' people can have some 'good' influences, and don't hang around each other leaning back on their chairs or whatever it is they do.
At least I ended up with Sean... would have cried if I got like, Cosmin or something.
I'm too short to feel how hot the light globe is...
And it's just teaching us the same stuff we did the last three years, but in a worse way! I think I'm going to get my old notes... yes that's right. NOTES. I don't have any notes from English all year. Dodgy photocopies...

7:04 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

hahah..cosmin.. just a smart lazy person.. i was looking around the room and saw him shaving his face with a stanley knife..

man our class is outta control

7:19 PM  

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