wrap up.
another week has gone by and zomg! first week uni was quite the insane crazy filled epic-ness.
But in hindsight, I guess an outsider would consider it boring/unexciting, considering I did tune out in almost all my lectures.
What struck me most, was that not one day went by without the topic of Jesus coming up, and thus naturally Christianity. It wasn't like I was looking and forcing his name to be dropped in conversation, but I was directly asked. I have to admit it was a rather strange yet pleasant experience. I'm not sure why, but every time I feel as if I'm place on the spot light again and that I must be super careful of the words i choose and the way its delivered or I'll be an embarrassment and failure, having either misinterpreted the question or stumbled to give an adequate response.
1 Peter 3:15 comes to mind constantly, "... Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have...". But its okay to screw up and it's most likely that you will, however, "for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10. He knew exactly what we are going to do but despite all this still sent Christ!
So it was a challenge, and being my final semester, there is no need to be shy and make the most of it. Since i'm taking majority first year subjects, it's like im in primary school, were all the tutors make us play icebreakers and do that introduce your partner thing. When introducing oneself to the class or being interviewed by peers to be introduced to the class, this question asked was "what is your beliefs". So classes started like "Hi, this is Sandra and she is Christian"
Verryy...different from four years ago, "Hi this is sandra and she likes movies" >.> lol.
Oddly enough, my peers actually expect more from me, and look up to me. something is ssooo sooooo soooo incredibly foreign. I will definitely need their help way more when it comes down to optics and physics =.=""
aside from my ever increasing fascination with God's love displayed in Christ, I managed to catch up with GIRLS! yes FEMALES! and friends from uni!!! making such a conscious effort to do so =P
Open house Melbourne was really neat, despite me not being able to go to the only building i wanted to visit Y_Y also stupid me brought a camera, but no SD card =.= soo my photos were incredible limited. .. bleeeh
hope ya like this _
first stop intercontinental hotel, smack bang next to the Rialto,
this used to be a laneway, where horses drew in goods, but now converted atrium/restaurant.
the right is of Venetian style, the left English/london style.
very very impressive

Glad to see you Yoyo!
The second stop was the Origin Energy's rooftop.
it was unepic, and had a lot of plastic grass, so i took no photos.
meet up with church friends at level 6 Myer building.
Mural Hall. It was so woah. 1930s murals on the wall and i had no idea this thing existed~!
bumped into an old sunday school teacher outside this .
so random and unexpected.
pixel building, which i thought was a part of RMIT but isn't
the building is self sufficient and uses all this recycle energy thingy.
can't tell you anymore, as this was the only building i wanted to see, but they weren't taking
any more people in for the day. boooo =P
its still in construction, so it will make it harder for me to ninja my way in during the week.
*cough* a habit of mine, during long extensive uni breaks. instead of studying, i wonder the city and walk myself into random buildings until i get kicked out, which hasn't happened to me yet =P
made it to the 60L green building instead. very interesting.
biggest tour group here too.
meet amy. she organised this =]
coming back to glenny to dine, saw a really lovely rainbow!!!
my interests in optics traces back to grade 1 or 2? when i took the school bus home
and saw a really pretty rainbow outside the droplet covered murky windows =P

But in hindsight, I guess an outsider would consider it boring/unexciting, considering I did tune out in almost all my lectures.
What struck me most, was that not one day went by without the topic of Jesus coming up, and thus naturally Christianity. It wasn't like I was looking and forcing his name to be dropped in conversation, but I was directly asked. I have to admit it was a rather strange yet pleasant experience. I'm not sure why, but every time I feel as if I'm place on the spot light again and that I must be super careful of the words i choose and the way its delivered or I'll be an embarrassment and failure, having either misinterpreted the question or stumbled to give an adequate response.
1 Peter 3:15 comes to mind constantly, "... Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have...". But its okay to screw up and it's most likely that you will, however, "for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10. He knew exactly what we are going to do but despite all this still sent Christ!
So it was a challenge, and being my final semester, there is no need to be shy and make the most of it. Since i'm taking majority first year subjects, it's like im in primary school, were all the tutors make us play icebreakers and do that introduce your partner thing. When introducing oneself to the class or being interviewed by peers to be introduced to the class, this question asked was "what is your beliefs". So classes started like "Hi, this is Sandra and she is Christian"
Verryy...different from four years ago, "Hi this is sandra and she likes movies" >.> lol.
Oddly enough, my peers actually expect more from me, and look up to me. something is ssooo sooooo soooo incredibly foreign. I will definitely need their help way more when it comes down to optics and physics =.=""
aside from my ever increasing fascination with God's love displayed in Christ, I managed to catch up with GIRLS! yes FEMALES! and friends from uni!!! making such a conscious effort to do so =P
Open house Melbourne was really neat, despite me not being able to go to the only building i wanted to visit Y_Y also stupid me brought a camera, but no SD card =.= soo my photos were incredible limited. .. bleeeh
hope ya like this _
this used to be a laneway, where horses drew in goods, but now converted atrium/restaurant.
the right is of Venetian style, the left English/london style.
very very impressive
The second stop was the Origin Energy's rooftop.
it was unepic, and had a lot of plastic grass, so i took no photos.
Mural Hall. It was so woah. 1930s murals on the wall and i had no idea this thing existed~!
bumped into an old sunday school teacher outside this .
so random and unexpected.
the building is self sufficient and uses all this recycle energy thingy.
can't tell you anymore, as this was the only building i wanted to see, but they weren't taking
any more people in for the day. boooo =P
its still in construction, so it will make it harder for me to ninja my way in during the week.
*cough* a habit of mine, during long extensive uni breaks. instead of studying, i wonder the city and walk myself into random buildings until i get kicked out, which hasn't happened to me yet =P
biggest tour group here too.
my interests in optics traces back to grade 1 or 2? when i took the school bus home
and saw a really pretty rainbow outside the droplet covered murky windows =P
dinner with kauface, andrew, tracy,frank,jason and barton.
topic of conversations ranges from barton's shiny forehead to perfect eyebrows, to frank swimming across the ocean with all our money to hobos, hipsters, mainstream, dumpters
harry pothead, london, ramen, fangirls.
hmm..they sound like lyrics
lol, can never get bored with you guys =P
a week of incredible growth where i'm somewhere between these two images.

leave you with something hilarious_
topic of conversations ranges from barton's shiny forehead to perfect eyebrows, to frank swimming across the ocean with all our money to hobos, hipsters, mainstream, dumpters
harry pothead, london, ramen, fangirls.
hmm..they sound like lyrics
lol, can never get bored with you guys =P
a week of incredible growth where i'm somewhere between these two images.

leave you with something hilarious_
on the side_
*sits and waits* for friend on the other side of the world to pop online to chat.
that is why I love the internet. =]
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