«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: frank > games

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

frank > games

with a loooooooooooooooong sigh....... i have to let go of digital mediascapes

a really easy subject, chillax and taught by the YOUNGEST LECTURER IVE EVER ENCOUNTED!!! 0______0
a PhD student who literally looks 26, working on a paper towards video games and the space within them. makes me wanna be a lecturer XD
so tech savy and in our modern digital age, he uses an iPad to give the lecture. im not a fan of that apple product .... made it easier to drop the subject LOL

so...i know i will regret it if i don't go to band this semester. so CHUN HIN HERE I COME!! wooo00000T! this year might be the last BAND CAMP i go on!! *sob* nostalgia.

subject picked up instead - tv and popular culture. hmmm.. watched
I Love Lucy for the first time

and Hancock. so old school

Dropped by the tutorial and we were asked our favourite tv show. I naturally mentioned cartoons/animations.. of which later the lecturer threw the question to the class, is animation really a genre? should it be studied as part of tv or on its own? i was so offended/taken aback. heck yer it is =P lol. tis all good.

shall leave you all with this....

Indie Game: The Movie Official Trailer from IndieGame: The Movie on Vimeo.

the most interesting thing since otaku no video that ive seen.

oh my goodness 0____0 if only this was my workspace!!!!!
so awesome. XD

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