«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: wrap up the final semester begins...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

wrap up the final semester begins...

zomg uni *stabs eyes* (but enough about that)

anywho.. the weekend was ace. didn't think life could get better having been on an indescribable fantastical Berkeley exchange, but it just did.

Blasting it off with a biblical study on romans 8 at youth group and seeing yan pop along is such an encouragement. seeing him again on sunday, i couldn't hold my excitement in, i was really exploding on the inside. =P

surviving on 2 hours sleep after an incredibly deeeep conversation that lasted longer than a plane right to Hong Kong, it was catch up with glenny mates for lunch and movie. Kung Fu panda is surprisingly really good.
4 stars from me.http://pics.livejournal.com/cha_maeri/pic/0024geap/s640x480

animation 10/10 , had varied styles that increased not only enjoyment but effective in terms of storytelling. opening sequence puppet-like 2D art was visually stunning
plot 7/10 a lot of depth for a kid film, identity, love, betrayal, death
action 10/10 pleeeenty of it

what made it for me, was the witty dialogue and the animation of water and facial expressions. nice work dreamworks.

the remainder of the day resulted in bummage outside coles til my bro finished work. ahh.. the converstations we share. no one knows me better than that guy =P

finally gave chun his nose flute. it actually works!! and delivers more than a single note. hahaaha

totally random, but jeewee's dad was waving at me for a quite a while across the road before i noticed, so i awkwardly ran across and said hi, his arms outstretched and having been around humans for long enough, it was an invitation to a hug. my brain was spazing out. but i followed through and surprisingly it wasn't awkward at all. ive never hugged a friend's parents before, let alone going 1meter near my own. the ong's are a friendly bunch of folks lol.

sunday involved visiting Melbourne Chinese Bible Church with Dietrich which was quite fun. West Side of town! haaha. warm people and very welcoming

on the side_
i am really dying a little not being at comic con and reading all the news about it. gah gah gah. tomas you share my pain lol.

and on the incredibly up side

The bottom line: It sounds kooky on paper but on the screen cowboys and aliens make beautiful, fun music together. This comic book movie from Jon Favreau spends a gratifying amoutn of time on its characters and actors rather than visual FX.


full review *click*
someone let me know if link is dead ..

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