«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: first day back at melbourne...

Monday, July 25, 2011

first day back at melbourne...

looks at clock. hmm 8.34am.. hmmm..i need to be at uni by 9am.. hmm
on the train. OH NUTS! i cant make it in 5mins Y_Y
....... i missed the only enrolled lecture on my first day of uni this year at parkville melbourne. LOOOOOOL

38 slides of hieroglyphics to me, optics to Larry Abel to sift through by tomorrow Y_Y
first year can't be that hard can it ?><"

Larry Abel, such a hardcore lecturer .....having completed his 3rd year vision science lectures....@_@

had to call sister to ask where my tutorial was being held lol.... epic fail first day.....

apart from that first year environments tutorial made me feel like i was in primary school, worst kindergarten. Berkeley where are you Y_Y

managed to bump into sam foo though and the twins =]



Anonymous Momotsuki said...

Hey sorry, was in class and didn't realise you messaged. I quite like Larry Abel.. he's the American guy right?

12:49 AM  

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