«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: warning: slightly ragey post

Friday, July 22, 2011

warning: slightly ragey post


that button on the mac to check the weather forecast. deh!! so sunny and nice.
oh wait. its still set on Berkeley weather.

i think a little piece of me was left there.

ZOMG SO SAD i have to return to lame ass uni here, for semester 2, of which 3 our of 4, if not all of my subjects i'm 100% not interested in. but i have to take to meet credit requirements fit the degree structure...

There should be a over riding rule in Melbourne, that if you are in your final semester and have completed FOUR majors you may be exempt from being stuck paying for taking first year subjects ..

i am SO annoyed.

yay to taking soil samples this semester and group work with 50% of the class that flunked the subject in semester one Y_Y

must make the most of it.

maybe im with people that are interested in the subject and that rubs off onto me. hmm. i better be able to identify soil by the end of this semester lol. a skill to chuck on the CV *cough*

at least my monday is looking really free, so i get to pop along to $6 movie days at NOVA.
should get back in touch with SYN FM for my film reviews .

would be ace face =P

and it doesn't matter if you are from the other side of the world. cause i can call anywhere in the studio bwhahahaha and record . i love radio.


update on rage

Welcome and thank you for enrolling in CULS30001 The Digital Mediascape. Please note that there is no physical reader available for this subject in the bookstore; all readings will be online. You might also like to follow the subject twitter account (www.twitter.com/digmedia11) which will be updating throughout the semester with links to relevant material, as well as continuing discussion of the subject themes beyond the classroom

i have to conform to social networking sites that encourage mindless tweets.
online reader. My EYES ARE GOING TO FRY. .or im going to kill a lot of trees Y____Y

im goina to have to try my ass off for a H1 in this subject now. *sigh*

it took me ages to be convinced on gmail .. never goina like facebook. and twitter. zomg. what is this digital age coming to. does no one write essays by hand anymore? Y_Y

*stabs eyes*

i read the posts Y_Y

film screening. dammit the lectures are not recorded. DAMMMITTTTTT
social network
district 9
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

hmmm..ive seen everything but 3 of them >.> maybe i should switch out of this subject

nightcrawler teleport me to COMIC CON NOW PLEASE!!!!!

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Anonymous Tracy said...

I know how you feel about Berkeley!
On my phone I still have my weather app set on London :( I can't bear to change my location on Facebook from London to Melbourne, because I feel like that's where my heart really wants to be.

Also, I WOULD LIKE TO DO A RADIO SHOW WITH YOU! Only because I talk too much and I like word vomitting everywhere.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

haha. london is ya home it seems =]

YAY !!! radio partner. it shall be so fun!! what should the show contain? lol i know nothing about glee and fashion, two of your passions. haha.

lets brainstorm >:]

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Hexe Kostüme said...

london dreams boring city

6:14 PM  

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