«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: end 10.07.08 || beginning _

Friday, July 11, 2008

end 10.07.08 || beginning _

ya could say that was definitely up there..with one of the best days of moi existence..
and if it wasn't for a slight inconvenience it would have been the BEST.

early start =.="
kelvin n sara rocked up..drove to cinemas.
kung fu panda_ kelvin sara mark grace victor sam karlson vincent david yungkin
2 girls. .zomg! a record !! should hang around more girls XD
yer for some reason my communication skills with the female species is deteriorating.. i cant keep it up for 5mins without extreme awkwardness..and it dying *sigh*
movie is hilarious!!! animated action was okay.. level up from the cartoons shown on telly, as expected from Pixar.. they havent disappointed me yet.. * * * *
10mins in.. ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG! i forgot to pick up william... please forgive me Y_Y

yumcha @ superstars wantirna rest.
clay, will, alan joined
hmm..we so could have ordered more -.- but anyways.. tis was fun.
everyone on the table didnt know at least one other person. lol.. randomness..
and living for awkwardness atm hahhaha..seems like everyone enjoyed 'emselfs.

bumming @ knox
finally learnt how to say hello in korean. thank you borders.
my driving is OKAY! minus the screeching noise of the tires
=.= but parking is the sucks.. still =.=
im learning im learning! Green P..n learning =]

back home..put pietro's powers to the test. for those who arent xmen savy that's quicksilver =P mutant power: SPEED! and lots of it..chores n cooking n cleaning in two hours.. wo0T!

rest of night was unplanned really.
got lift off frank n. bummed with uni n Haileybury folks
bumped into angela wah.its been yonks..she recommends seeing hancock like everyone else..hmm who hasnt seen it yet?,
mary, vincent, karlson
walking along kingsway.. geez.. many pplz talking bout uni results.. XD
and house visiting to end it!!! brilliant =]
sean's place. its like the mirror image of greg's place.. - living room , seperating device thingy.. it was sliding door instead of half brick wall..kitchen..then a long corridor of rooms. neat.
both places where visited at night so couldnt appreciate it more lol
2nd attempt @ pool. ^^
ride home_nick

n that closes a chapter of me life. may we share many many more spontaneous times to come

beginning _
3hours of QM crammage = P
bwhahahhhaa.. but its goina be a killer third time round. =.=
which brings up stuff to be sorted. i can do my 2nd sem subjects
hmm.. the decisions >: [

game studies goes into monash band time.. as well as clashing with neuro science lecture...
note to self: never put too much energy into looking forward to something.. it ends with troublesome mess and disappointment. =.- oh the sacrifice to be made :/
i dont want to join melb band -.-

sister ends holidays this week..which means i cant go out as much. gah..have to stay home..nuuu.. no more rotations of chores.. but HEY! i leveled up from "instant noodles" stage ..bwhahaha.. gettin there ..getting there.. cooking is tiring ..edit: learning is tiring -.-
and back to uni you go ..monash pplz =P hehe

on the side_
bought choc chip muffins from safeway..because they looked good =P
hmm..stomach ache after one..but not sure if it was the milk i had or the muffin

so day 2
ate another one for breakfast.. *test* yer.. stomach ache
i refuse to believe that food from safeway makes you sick

so day 3
ate the remain TWO ..
conclusion: the muffins in that pack are bad



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safeway food CAN be that bad. We had a similar experience with their cream of chicken soup. After trying several boxes, we came to conclusion drinking it (even after extreme boiling)= stomach ache

9:48 PM  

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