«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: it begins >.>

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

it begins >.>



.biting my tongue
.driving sis to school/tuition
.sleeping early XD
.entertaining guests

5 week course begins...
guess it couldn't have come a a better time.
mum had some operation thingy and now i gotta stay at home for mostly all of my holidays.
*shrugs* it works.

do this do that do this do that. now. not now. later. NOW. no this. and there. put it HERE. no there..

being available on demand every10 mins Y_Y is something i havent been faced with.. even when my sister broke her leg yonks ago. .. dang is this what is feels like to care for an infant?. dont like -.-

*is learning*

aRGH.. but i so cannot be nurse or carer.. or work with the elderly..in the future.. no patience and .intense laziness
its just isnt in me..

*change me change me*

So..after figuring out a timetable.. my free time comes down to.. 10PM - 12AM
lol. .. guess most people arent bothered going out at those hours. =P

on the side_
its been a looong while since ive sat down for a good hour or so and played horn.
everytime i pick it up its..seriously like im starting all over again..
zomg.. my adominal muscles hurt lol!
im certain that it was more so horn than the 10mins on the exercise bike >.>
gah.. i lack air
1hour a day x 7 days a week x next 5 weeks..
bring it frank =]
movie catch up_
21 - wow. it was brilliant!!! didnt see the last section of the closing sequence coming...it was one step ahead of me.. just when i thought i nutted it out...
plot was decent
character building was especially good for the main character, the teacher and that asian guy ..ahha where most of my laughs came from.
* * * *

Forgiveness by Misen.
zomg im so obsessed with her stuff!! its brilliant
check out it out ^^


Blogger vincema said...

lol it's the holidays! you can hang out whatever time you wish :P i'm sure everyone would've turned nocturnal... it's not that they won't hang out at 10pm-12 it's just that they are ALREADY HANGING OUT SOMEWHERE!

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait....did i read speed?
and i like to hang out from 10pm - the following morning... hahahaha

3:22 PM  
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