«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the week/s that has been ....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

the week/s that has been ....

okay.. so i cant really remember what i did exactly on my first week of break anyways. here's to an update

House visiting_

Alice's place - wow. so big 0_0.. first thing i see as i enter the massive doors is a table tennis table in the living room ..wahhh.. neat place.. pity we had to study hardcore (cough..cram) .. so i didnt go upstairs

Clay's place - wow. the pink-ness XD .nice and cosy though.. computer desk hidden away behind a bar thingy? hahaha.. only thing i dont understand is why the designers placed carpet in the bathroom 0.o

Karlson's place - nice! elephants everywhere =P really big place! neh. lucky corner houses..bwhahaha. rocked up when you just woke up..brilliant timing...

Greg's place - tennis racket restringing machine.. neat! living room..split in two via half a brick wall.. kinda clever..two space yet one..and still able to interact with people on the other side whilst they can hold another activity. too bad it was night time and couldnt see out back -.-
left at 12am ZOMG! ten commandments movie is long..and violent 0_0

Careers expo _
lame.. nothing helped..more so for year 12s/ people they want to get back into study.
at least some nice lady gave me a free entry pass yay ^^
hmm...certificate 2 in hairdressing sounds interesting.. 8 weeks course =]
on that note.. BWHAHAHAHAHA 14 years later..and payback.. gave my mum the most brilliantly retarded hair cut. nehehhahaha.. angel couldnt hold it in..had to run into her room covering her outburst of laughter.. ^^ WIN ..

whilst at exhibition center..next door was bridal expo.. lots of people there.. but WOAH! you should check out the limos just outside it.. wahh.. SO NICE!! and those fancy fancy cars

hehehe.. *sits in drivers seat*..
zomg inside IS SO BIG!! AND ONE LOOKED LIKE A DISCO ROOM .. k. a v. narrow disco room.but still...
Exotic Limo - Black Chrysler 300C

movie catch up_

lars and the real girl - awesomely awkward film. * * * *

dead or alive - i like the action. ^-^ whole thing was action really.kinda korny..but funny.. * * * *

naruto movie 3 - dont really like anime.. but more effort was put into this animation,action scenery wise.. audience i think would be der.. 14 year olds * *

underworld 2 - i liked it a lot better than the first one...but still wasn't that great.. story line was better...more complex..twists kinda resolved.. but since i watched in on a laptop..the whole movie being dark/shadowly.. the low quality probably killed it. * * 1/2


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