«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: GAME ON!!!!

Saturday, July 05, 2008


wiiiiii....big screen ^-^
wiii..little screen =P
lol @ william and danny running


was brilliant.. lots of fun... more than expected..

though the turn out was completely UNEXPECTED! considering everyone had a MONTHS!!! frikin notice. =.=

3 mins before train departs
danny runs to platform.
yay us -.=

david joins at gardiner =]

william joins at flinders.


and ya should have all been there..

hehe ..

suprisingly PONG IS REALLY HARD to control /play well
-.- and there is a secret. you can SMASH! haha. by pressing both keys at once. neat
zillions of games.and stack loads of people in city this sat.
hehehe. jenny working at roy morgan.
yan is hired.
that makes me count of convincing pplz to join me work_ 3!
stuff we played_
.eyetoy [makes a fool of myself]
.wii tennis [smashed david]
.street fighter
.street gangs [old school but SO much fun]
.nintendo 64 [old school mario rocks]
.halo 3 [have no idea how to play]
.tomb raider [dropped laura down a ditch..and got stuck. couldnt swim out -.-]
.pc console [first CD .ROM game console]
.virtual tennis stuff
.lots of racing stuff
.xbox stuff
.game cube
.and a zillion v. old classic arcade games
[lol. ps3 was down]
evening @ charcoal chicken neat stuff.
had a jacket/hood on..and some big guy mistaken me for a bloke.

thanks for the hair cut michael! ^-^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always sucked at Tomb Raider too, I could never get Lara out of water, so she always drowned.

6:53 PM  

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