«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hmmm..hmm...hmmmm..

Sunday, June 22, 2008


for some reason i cant access by blog page lol ..something wrong with firefox.

oh wells. at least i can still post... i think =]

haha. dang i've been on this thing for ages. so loyal hahaha..


i have officially lost my imagination as to what ta do.. events/activities/going.out.with.friends.ness..

im seriously out of ideas.. 0_0 mental blank.. forever.. it aint coming back

oh wells.. -.- coffee, movies, clubbing it is. k . minus the last one. ew.. but i dont like coffee.. k. just movies. nuuu -.=

neh. bout time i grow up. seriously. time is not going to wait. ever
*sigh* i had a good one..

you know your are gettin old when_

ya closest friends are turning celebrating two decades of life n memories.

you hang out with people twice the age as you

ya trampoline is covered with tree branches and possum poo

you cannot sleep over at friends without others thinking something's up/going on

you cannot flip off monkey bars without getting hurt

ya get puffed running up half your street zomg fail.. im soooo unfit.. but made the train 10min run XD gah,, having a habit of showing up to places.. looking super pathetic.. didnt have an umbrella ..pouring! rock up to church ..drenched.. hair mess..dripping.. pants soaked ..holding what's left of my brekky (banana peel in my hand) =.=

ya cannot pick up gymnastics

when ya have a nice meal with a dude.. they ask "boyfriend?" =.= sheesh. dont people think about food when they are eating

society expects more manners and judge you by appearances

you cannot get into foodstar as "child" lol. stupid cheap asian parents

your siblings no longer play adventure games in the backyard

calling adults/teachers by their first name rather that the standard.almost.drilled.in.artifically.somewhat.natural.response "good morning mr. blahblah"

ya friends all cook for themselves

in a group of pplz...you start reminiscing bout kinder/primary school ..although that seriously didnt feel like too long for me.. but their facial expressions of lost and wonder..makes you doubt..and think twice. oh yer.. it WAS ten or so years ago XD

k and now im too tired to list more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to drink coffee!
Hot chocolates ftw. :)

8:27 PM  
Blogger Pierre said...

your getting tired from typing :O
that's a sign of aging!

10:35 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

LOL! oh yer! im tired of typing hahahaha.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to pull out the board games, watching sport on the weekends or going to theme-parks or maybe even movie marathons at someone's place.

9:42 AM  

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