«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: another year gone?? 0_0

Saturday, October 27, 2007

another year gone?? 0_0

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Woah..doesnt seem right.. it all went a bit too fast...

exams approaching....VCE hype..and...uni drag.. =.='

ugh.. i need that break..lol..my dream home
ahh..*flops to the floor*
without a worry in the world
(hmm..that doesnt seem to make sense..gah..my english has gone down the drain)

anyways..ZOMG!! genus!! do you see what i see? WOAH!!

check this out. http://erikawee.stumbleupon.com/

dunno how i stumbled upon that site..but woaH ..nice stuff

this one is by Брушша..surrealist photographer?? dunnoz
ahhaa..this pic brings forth somewhat a refreshing feeling =]


Blogger Hayashi said...

bwahaha i'm already done

9:56 AM  

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