«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: lalala...a picture

Sunday, October 14, 2007

lalala...a picture

it's been a while since i did anything productive ...
can't wait till the holidays though..

many plans..many projects.. fun ..but yer..just ..must..pass exams first XD


recently i cant help but notice ...

....people's arms..lol. it's weird.. haha.. the way the shadows fall to depict the muscles..and some people have HUGE hands..

and ..the beauty in everything.. people, objects, nature, words, sounds..but mostly the small silly things..

it's been a while since i cut a stack of kindergarden squares..and the sound that tiny crump noise the paper makes whilst you cut it..ahh..childhood lol...

..been noticing..hinges lately too..and how things join together..ya..the answer isn't always super glue lol

..newayz..back to that frikin last assignment
..soooo..screwed.. =.="



Blogger Hayashi said...

MAN! You think of really random things! Hinges?!

How shadows fall?!

Haha! Too much sugar!

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, i just go randomly, trying to make a habit of it..well once a week for now :)

8:06 PM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...

did you draw/do all of that?
nice work!

yea, noticing the little things rock! rock on!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

yep ^^

11:17 AM  

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