ugh.. it's time like these think feel as if you dont have a life.
thankfully i know better than that =]
but my position i guess many teenagers would through silly things..and go emo..and conform..follow the crowd..what's in..and rebel against the ol' folks. the bible reveals one of the secrets to a long life is to honor your mother and father...
yer..when ya really think bout makes sense..peace with the parents..woAH!! how rare is that in society..
all the stress people go through because of aint worth it lol..
lived with them all my life...and a lazy hopefully i lot longer too.. hahaa..mostly for the food..but HEY! i dont see myself getting out of the education for another decade or so =.=' dang old..still living with parents hahaha...
their cool.. i dont mind what they say to many times they lecture me..make me eat yucky Asian herb things...or prevent me from attending long as they dont do so to other people..other in ..anyone besides me!!
ugh.. gettin crap from one's parents is enough..imagine getting it from another per

the potential for my folks to blab and instruct just really...really..disappoints me.. coz then i would have to explain to others ....oh..please ignore them.. and it's so horrible =.=" what's worst is if they did so in your abscence and you don't know about this until months later *sob*
it's almost role when the parent goes up to the principle to apologise for their child's mischievous behavior.
and what's EVEN WORSE!! is that they say something that never happened in the first your friend's parents.. ugh..then the friend is like.. "what the hell did you tell your mum.." and then major misunderstanding. *sob* i never said anything!!
e.g. "You mum told my mum that all the boys are chasing me at school" - grace
me - "WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!"
grace - yer..exactly
me - I never said such a thing..err..that doesnt happen anyways...
after an hour or so of memory searching..
the result was grace had nice glasses frames..and people in class were taking them and looking at them..
gah.. i dont know how it was completely mis-interpreted....
so yer..if anything comes from the mouth of my parents..dONT trust them! okay..fine..just coz i dont either..until i get secondary's just the way it is..not trust issues..but say one thing ..they think of another..
that's why i really REALLy dislike it ..when she watches the news..MISINTERPRETATIONS!!
*sigh*.. a criminal was arrested for snatching an old lady's bag..
after all those synapses running across neurotransmitters in her brain she was all "stay away from men in trench coats..they go out raping people..even old ladies"
what the ??? =.="
it's fun testing this oddity in her though lol..
i would say a phrase and get her to repeat it.
"the concert is on this saturday"
response "oh okay.. good..that means you can do all the chores on saturday..and go to it on sunday"

speaking of concert.. IT WAS BRILLIANT!!! wow.. all student run...just amazing..and the commitment uni kids have =] i would like to say i was apart of it..but not really ..i just attended ..hahaha.. dammit.. i've never been ready for any concert out of all the ones i've ever been too..fully sucks... didnt play any of the runs..and got every second note that wasnt a semibreve wrong.. *sob*
but at least i nailed the only important note i had in the whole six pieces we played YAY!! lol..
hmmmm.....robert blackwood hall..memories.. since 7 or so of us were from glenny it was just like a bands fest or presentation night experience. haha.. the going backstage..the "shhhhh"...the black performance attire...the blinding lights..and the waiting in the darkness whilst the sax and clainets poked you.. hahha..
lots of people i dont know...met heaps of musos fun ^^ and odd.. i think i actually captured a pic of a few of them at manifest all dressed up...
hehe.yet another day of going out and discovering it's such a small world..
heyz.. i know did you hear bout the ya came cool!!
err..what!?!! you are his brother all along?? know him too
and soon ya all connected hahaah
there were EIGHT HORNS!! woaH!..never played with sooo many pros before.. woaH.. dream come true eh?? well it wasnt ever a dreamm....never thought of playing with so many of never considered it..
haha..definately an awesome experience. hhehehehe ^^
jazz music is the audience's fav...haha..the clapping went on for ages..
i never knew drums made those noises!! sweet!!
people met [longer than 5mins convos =P ]. andrew, jess, david (ZOMG another one), sammy, henry
yet to met. - mond. ARGH!! i'm WAITING DAVID! hahhaha =P
Still waiting for me to hook u up with my friend from Archi eh...lollers xD
Been a while since i've posted, normally i just RSS feed all the blogs so normally I just read em.
hahah!'s a been a while.
i dunnoz what Rss is but okie..
Yeah...I don't go to peoples blogs nemore...well not as much. I just let a site gather it all for me and I just read it there xD Richie talked about it once ages ago.
Lazines ftw!
HAHAHA omg i so remember that event. During the maths talent quest. That was soo funnyyy. My parents were so LOL. i remember that! GOod times good times
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