«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: course

Sunday, October 21, 2007


ugh....after hours of sitting through the 2007 uni handbook .yer.. that's right 07 book...because stupid Melbourne uni doesnt pull their act together and the 08 one is still a draft.

So..now the subjects i've listed down for the next five years..is..err. up in the air..
dont know if they will be offered *faints*

so silly we have to figure out what we want to major in already =.=' otherwise your cant organise all the points in ya degree properly..and your screwed as the faculty of sci put it..

"so ..what if i didnt organise my course properly and i go over the points or dont have enough?"

"it's your responsibility *pause* you cannot do that...you cant go over or under. You need 500 points, 225 in arts...237.5 in science.." and...it went on..


but everything is revolving around the idea of me majoring in landscape graphics in arts..
not because i like it..but if i dont have an arty subject in there i will go insane =.=' i should have put more effort into a folio in year 12 *curses*

and..melb. model.i dunnoz if they offer those subjects =.=' poo

and if all fails.. mimic david ^^
glad to have a 2nd year art/sci friend


tis all good =]

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hmm..need to think of a way to put my assignment together.. to be printed A1 size..eek..never done that before XD

on the side _
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tell me if this image moves lol


Blogger Hayashi said...

it doesn't move but it changes ;)

i don't have to major until 2nd smester next year grr :(

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the subjects are loaded onto the 2008 handbook now, you just have to search for them. And then it gives you a list of 50 billion subjects which barely seem related, but if you ctrl + F you should be able to find out if those subjects are there - ie offered.

5:04 PM  

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