«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: K is for Kid

Saturday, July 14, 2007

K is for Kid

.. kid at heart and always will be ...

..hmm... these days people are growing up quite fast 0_0 .. it's so scary..

almost as if society is promoting it too.. i mean what is with those miniature grown up clothes on the market? Kids aren't suppose to be wearing such revealing garments anyways..

especially the girl items.. what is up with society!?!? 7 year olds wearing half the material we used to wear when we were kids -_-' times are changing.

grr.. to people promoting make up at such a young age as well..!! you are messing with their minds..

bring back those days.. careless days.. just running around in the streets, through the playgrounds, jumping in puddles with over-sized gumboots of no particular brand... no prejudices... just fun..

speaking of playgrounds.. when was the last time ya saw a see-saw =/ they are extinct XD
if ya see one tell me..i'm there ^^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

theres a playground near my uni that has a see saw :] didn't go on it tho cause i was on the carousel thing but peter and chris sure did! don't worry we're still all kids on the inside! - nat

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! I was sitting around Knox today and I was so amazed at little kids running around in mini skirts and boots. When I was their age I was wearing WARM oversized wools. And I can't remember the last time I saw a see-saw either :(

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sandra, lets build a see saw together!!!!!!!!

10:27 PM  

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