«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: E is for ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

E is for ...

" elephant "

you thought that didnt you? i could read ya mind. =P
(err.highlight the post ^^)

Anyways.. yer.. movie..haha..17 people by the end of the day ^^ fun fun..
lalala.. knox hasnt really changed much.. but i havent been in ages.. wahh.. nearly crashed into a poll =P

Fantastic four is good. not as good as the first one.. and yer. 7/10? probably because the bad guy and the plot was a bit weak. bout otherwise it was nice to watch.. ehehe VMAX!! so big ^^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAH ahh sandra you spelt pole the wrong way. It's not really dat possible to smash into a poll. HAHAHAHA

3:39 PM  

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