«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: D is for Download

Sunday, June 24, 2007

D is for Download

closes the door ...

looks both ways...

rub hands together...

raises a pointed finger..

takes a deep breathe...

hits enter ...

..now seriously.. who actually thinks twice bout whether their actions are illegal or not? im guessing not many. lalala..those ads telling people to stop downloading.. well. i don't think they work ..

if it wasnt for pirated stuff.. we probably wont get around as fast as we do today..

example >>

the school copying the audio versions of the text for the kids..
they arent "suppose" to....but they do..

if it wasn't for my $10 version of Adobe Premier i wouldnt have gotten Media
to have been my top vce subject ..hahhaa..dodgy springvale ..

i think dodgy stuff gets ya through at the end of the day..but giving context!! .everything has got to have it's context.. i guess.. if it's for educational purposes it's okay? hahhaha.. it wont last forever, but for the time being.. it's okay ^^..

D is also for Daniel ..the second most common male name after David -_-


Blogger Hayashi said...

Oh man Sandra I think you just inspired me to do a FanFic about piracy LOL :)

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Most common name! We win!

9:46 PM  

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