«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: SEMESTER ENDS!!

Monday, May 28, 2007



*jumps up and down*

semester has ended!!

too bad now i have to cram. -____- ...ARGHH!! why didnt i study during semester??

Q: where did all that time go???
A: train rides!!! tram rides!! and..get home eat...sleep -_______-

stupid contact hours..

anyways.. the week that has passed..

bumped into Quyen and her pharm friends!! that was an interesting train ride.
bumped into Danny few times i think..
lunch at MC with Ruth, Fred, Yan, Kevin and friends.. guess that's an up side with the city.. everyone goes MC and lunch ^-^
but the most interesting thing was...meeting someone second last day of semester..

...turns out some guy Don.. in my bio tut takes the same train as me.. gets of at glenny too.. AND.. likes XMEN!! waH!H!HH!!!! hehehe.. didnt realise until Eva's bro walked into the carriage at Richmond or something...and he sat down next to this guy reading a comic..

me: Hi!!
eva's bio (dang...forgot his name): hi..
me: *looks at guy on seat* ".. NO WAY! Is that marvel?"
guy: err.. yes?
me: heyz.. you're from my bio tut! .. IS THAT XMEN!!?!?
guy: "err..."
eva's bro: "that's so random"
and in the background will and friend chuckle to themselves =P

haha..that was such an interesting train trip..

today's train trip was good too..

lala.. *waits with api for train*
announcement: the train on platform four will be delayed...now expected in six minutes

pfft.. -_______-

but then came zac...and along came ..david stackpole...and david cornish was on the same carriage too!!! ^-^ fun fun..

lalaa..study break over XD

new poll

last poll: short hair > long hair


Blogger Hayashi said...

You are so random you marvel freak you :P

8:48 PM  

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