«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: C is for Career

Friday, June 22, 2007

C is for Career

Well.. half year gone of first year uni .. amazing ye??

well. i dunno .. i was kinda really lazy the whole way through =[

lalala.. for some at the end of the year you are 1/3 way through!! lucky you =P

hmm... bout time i started thinking about what i want to do as a job.. laterz.. hahaha..

so undecided and probably still will be by the end of my double degree (hopfully i will be graduating with the double *gulp* *fingers crossed for exam results* XD

it's something that doesnt really bother me.. living for the moment ^-^

random doodle
things i wouldn't mind being.. yet..haven't put any serious thought into any.
....in no particular order:

actor/actress what ever ya call it
script writer
brain surgeon
stunt man
graphic designer
store owner
instrument maker
fashion designer
professional gamer
forensic scientist

hahaha..so random
hmm.. the above pic reminds me of kristin's blog ^^

at least i have a back up plan if all else fails: psychologist =P


Blogger Hayashi said...


Professional Gamer?!

Since when were you on the computer enough to do either ;)

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D is for Donkey Vote in the Federal Election!!! I reckon psychologist would do fine, just make sure you hang out with friends enough or you might go psycho too :P you could have more than one job you know... like part time musician that plays at a band and your day job would be psychologist... like whip up a band with some friends =P if you need a violinist call me =D

9:40 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

ohla vincent ya got me future sorted ..why thank you ^^ =P

12:43 PM  

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