«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: BORED!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007



i havent blogged in a while..

Bio exam = pass

Chem exam = FAIL! *cries* .. it was soooooo x100000 HARSH !!!

ah wellz.. *fingers crossed i do pass* otherwise i will be transfering to monash and doing some other course..

bleh ..no more double degrees next year. x_x

should be studying / cramming for psych.. but i am not -_______-'... not yet =P

100 or so multi choice cant be that bad can it? =/

LOL!! this pic just made me crack up ..

mini wolvie
haha..im in such a dress up mode x_x

ahh..one day ..on some random occasion i'll rock up as lady deathstrike ^^

... on a business meeeting?? lol..

RRP: $499



Blogger Hayashi said...

awww dont worry about silly chem... its just as bad as my comp org!

look to the future! (i feel like in in a corny mood tonight hahaha)

9:18 PM  

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