«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: read-a-thon

Wednesday, May 16, 2007



i got a letter in the letterbox a while ago..didnt notice until i picked it up from the kitchen floor..bleh house is in SUCH a mess..

dammit.. just when assignments are due..and exams are creeping up..mum decides to move everything.. i mean EVERYTHING!! out of the rooms so that carpet cleaners can clean the carpet..

ARGH!!.. so yer.. even my bed was broken to bits and moved into the living room -_____-" thank goodness only three rooms have carpet..

but yer..everything is in such a mess!! everything..from ..big things..ie. bookshelves, computer desk,folios to small things like.. pens, floppy disks, mini xmen figurines...paper stars.. are scattered everywhere.. looks like we just moved into the house or something.. i cant find anything *sob*

and i'm using the laptop now.. on the floor..in the middle of the hallway -____- dang powerpoints so far away... i look so stupid crouching and sittin on floor using comp =P like L from death note..ahhaha.. hmm..*note to self: catch up on the episodes*

yer..anyways.. i was talking about a letter XD
turns out i've previously done the ms read a thon for three years lol.. so they sent me a medal.. it's so awesome!! shiny, gold...and red ribbon..hahhaah.. =] yay for me

haha.. it told me to register again..but thing is .. it's only for pplz year 12 and under .. ah wells..you can always donate ^^ and sponsor people

doing this survey also gets you a free keyring.. hehe.. it's quite nice.. =] haha...
if ya want ta do it..just scroll down and click "complete survey now!" link ..



Blogger msquyenho said...

ms. saaaaaaandra!
wowowowowow nice on the constant update!

remember that blog i told you about that guy who did super hero scultures? well i couldn't find it again...I think what i must've done was randomly followed blog links until i came across somehting i wanted to read...@___@ i'll give it another go when i have nothing else to do. but it was REALLY cool and i have to find it one day to show you!

BTW did you know there's a NEW POWER RANGERS on TV>?!?!?!? OMG OMG
yeh i was like this :O WAHT?!?
It's called ... omg i forgot what it was called...but it's all set in teh future and it's really cool with cyborgs and stuff. So go check it out if you haven't. I remember how we ended up watching the power rangers video at your house the day we were making cake! yummy memories :]

love quyen! (hopefully we can BUMP into each other soon)

11:46 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

bwhahha.. yer i know!! it's so new and updated..power rangers hahaa.. blogged bout it some time back lol.

lala.. i like long comments ^^

8:05 AM  

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