«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: feb days.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

feb days.

februrary 07 has come to an end!! woah.. that was fast yer???

soo.. uni.. is basically what is overwhelming...yer.. havent done much in holidays..and yer..they are over.. noo!!

didnt realize daniel moved to geelong to study.. noooooooo... how i feel so bad for not showing up at his place sat... dammit.. i was in bed.. saw the time..and thought it was best that i call and say i couldnt make it.. gaHHH.. *stabs self*

on that note.. my mum thinks im emo -______-... not that she uses the term..but the concept. bleh..

any ways....

met lots of glenny pplz at uni.. should organise one big lunch thingy one day.. hmm.. bleh.. redmond barry building has SOO many levels.. and ..ahhh. vash the other daniel and i walked up ..and down.. and UP..and downnn.. and up...and up;..and down some more.. and we arrived just in time for the last 5 mins of the commerce transition lecture.. poop.. -____-" i had time to kill..

hmmmm... 6.15 pm finishes are a killer.. .. cant really study.. just dinner..and sleep..

oh and HEROS today ^^.. hehehe.. GO HIRO!! .. hahhaa. he cant drive

anyways... it's autumn tomorrow 0.o !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, why does your Mum think you're emo?!?!
- Michelle

6:00 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

lol. ermz. like.. an emotional wreck.. coz im trying not to talk to her much lol.. coz she always misinterprets.. so i thought it was easy way out..it sorta is working ><

8:06 PM  

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