«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: it continues...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

it continues...

lalala.. orientation continues and zomg.. i think feb is going to be the hottest month this year.. it's BOILING!!.. short shopping has been postponed for too long -_-

any who.. WEd.. was a lot better than tues...coz i met NICK!! hahhaa. lol. yer primary school friend that is in the same two art subjects as me...and someone that knows their way around the uni....

dammit.. i walked in circles AGAIN! 2nd time another person had to lead me around.. bleh .dunno how ta spell their name..

went. home... too hot -_______-

note to self.: invite myself along to every dentistry gathering .. they have the bEST food!! muahahahaha


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