«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: first day la!

Monday, February 26, 2007

first day la!

anyways.. yer.. first day uni...

got a text from alice that science 101 isnt on. wo0T! .. will be in here class next week though ^^ so all good.. but yer. that means... LATE START FOR ME!

2pm be there....
but headed off early..and figured out how ta catch the 19- tram to royal parade ..and stops.. pretty much exactly in front of the commerce building ^^ yay..less walking for me =]

got off at flinders..bleh no city looping after 12pm -_- ...saw allen s and ryan camile..havent seen them in a while..

got to uni... and crashed into the dentists.... lala... anik and co.. hmmm.. i like tapping random people >< lol

met ivan and tushar..and HAHHA!! they have to do maths.. lol.. the confused faces they had ..when they discussed simulations equations was priceless. ...and the shock on tushar when he discovered ..."hey did you know that there are actually girls in our course" o.0! lol..

chem/bio lecture in the same building... sat with jenny, davy and adrian.. ahh. i see them everywhere..

tram.. train... such a long task -_-

met shiv on the train..and she gets $408 a WEEK!! from tutoring kids!! WOAHWOAH WOAH. ..like woaH. i wanna do that ...so .. you pplz.. im good ish at media..and english. lol. come to ME!


i need to read lecture notes.. i didnt pay attention -_-'


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