«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: er.. uni?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

er.. uni?

oh yer.. righto.. before i forget.. happy chinese/lunar new year...
i dont really celebrate it that badly because it's kinda not the real start of the new year for me.. the 1st of jan...and whole fireworks thingy....hits me more...
but yer.. family dinners ....and how can i resist those red packets... hhahhaa..
red packets for those who dont know are basically red packets with money inside and they are given to kids on new years...and if you arent married you dont give them out... soo.. it looks like i can expect to receive quite a few from the years to come ...muahhhaha...

oh yer.. im 18.. *dammit*.... i need to get my Ps.. or at least try for them before that new rule regulation green p thingy. -______- and that reminds me.. i can walk into a liquor store and BUY STUFF!!.. bwahahah...

right... orientation.. was interesting because of a nice host...but gaH.. took ages to find her.. walked in a big ass circle.. and usually you know when you are doing that.. but this time i really didnt know that.. so MEGA embarrassing even though.. judging from the quizzical looks off people near by they did they same thing... . okie. that was a long sentence =/ dang. how am i goina get back into the mood for writing essays...and completing assignments. bummer

met lots of glenny pplz...and primary school pplz...and tuition pplz...

andy won something from some game...at the carnival thingy..some electrical device...and David and i happened to stumble across the same thing at dick smith's later that day.. $50!!. .zomg!. go andy.. hahha ....it was too hot to stick around for much longer...

hope tomorrow is better


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