«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the last days...

Monday, February 19, 2007

the last days...

*sigh* uni.. lectures... possibly early starts...and 7am train times.. NOoOOooOO

last poll: Monash won melb. 8:2


they got their O-week beginning today..hmmz...mine is tomorrow..wonder if there is enough glenny kids to take up a carriage lol.

haven't done much during these last days of freedom..and STILL have yet to read the 3/4 bio book.. bugger... i got as far was page 9.. -_____-' bummer...

so great of vidz to organize a get-together thingy before we all go unto study mode...or lecture skipping mode... hehe..

aHH! but.. what is with the latest trend... "crutches" ...
first reyan now vidz... haha. i still like the rumor that vidz went over to reyans house and jumped out of his window =P but yer.. true is ..she stuffed her knee..coz a 4 year old toddler kicked it *ouch* the people we lose too.. almost as bad as me and my jaw -_-...
that would be interesting if it was a pre-req for med students to break something to they can go and experiment on themselves and learn to fix themselves ><
hmmz.. i still wanted to see them crutches race though.. lol...

aH!! this time i stayed long enough to see someone gettin pushed/thrown into the pool...and it was all taped on chris's phone... i still cant believe her pool is 2m deep!! wahh.. .like the actual swimmin pools...so deep =/

didnt think they all would have fall:
Lisah - dragged/forced/pushed
Nicole - tried to push grace but missed..i think
Tracy- pushed..
Grace - pushed
Angel - pushed
Alvin - girl magnet ...pushed.
Peter - dragged/hauled/off balance
Chris - picked up lisah and jumped.

ahh.. funny sight funny sight.

the food is aways so good at vidz.!! yay chicken.. *respects*.. even though they are vegetarians they still go tto the trouble of cooking meat for us =]

hahaa. the tread mill or whatever it's called machine is so FAST!. wow. nicole makes it loook so easy...

another random happening would be most of the group heading out for a walk.. coming back only to stink of Aerogard + rain. hahhahaa

nice change in weather though..i would want to go to skool when it's stinking hot..ahh.. at least we got no more portables!! yay!! ..hahhaa.. those were so dangerous... they shake when someone would sneeze...and the fans only operated at level 1 and looked as if they were bout to fall off any minute. hehe.... speaking of school.... it has changed so much.. so ugly looking ><

and hmmm..school..homework.. oh noo.. assignments ...uni..and this time i have to do them by myself..and use my brain.. no more grabbing bits and pieces off the internet and sticking them together..

*sigh*.. that's how i passed high school =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA no kidding. Maybe we should suggest a good architect. Mmmm maybe ANdy hHAHAH can you imagine. Would be soo cool.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:39 PM  

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