«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: stat: the worst day of the year

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

stat: the worst day of the year

"If you're feeling a little down today, take comfort in the thought that things are unlikely to get worse all year.

January 22, say the experts, is the unhappiest day of the calendar owing to Chrismas bills, extreme eather and failed New Year's resolutions.

Da Cliff Arnall deviseda forumla weighing up depression factions such as debt, low motivation and anxiety related to a need to take action.

"Use the day as a springboard for a higher-quality life" he said "

- extract from MX 22/01/07

so.. what did i do that day..

UNI INFO SESSIONS!! arGGHHH!! ... i start 26/02/07.. noOooOooo 0_o

there were many clashes with the stuff i wanted to attend and listen ....and after it wall i realised i wanted to do chem engineering...which i found out.. is a subject i cant take in my double degree BA/BSc ... DAMMIT .. it sounded so fun =[

but other wise yer.. I KNOW TWO PPLZ IN MY COURSE!! hehe. thian-chee..and anna wo0T..
also meet andrew, adrian and ack. another glenny kid.. *sorry sorry ..your name escapes me temporarily* ..during the psychology session. ..that was fun... if i end up gettin that teacher then he tells us all his exam questions before hand.. heheh.. wo0T. he saids "you are meant to know it.. so there is not harm telling you earlier".. but yer.. the questions im sure.. are ridiculously hard... -______-'

the other only subject i know im doing for sure is vision science.. sounds so interesting.. ^^.. but prob. yer.. gotta catch up on my physics ..hehe =/


i look like the baby of the school. .my gosh... everyone looks so mature 0.o.. how odD?? too bad they are all so untalkative.. pfft.. well the people i sat next to anyway.. except ALICE! of course.. hehe.. yay!!.. ^^ both doing vision science ....

then train home...

ack. i need to get my hands on a yearly ticket -__________-' maybe i cant get that video cam after all .stupid melb. uni.. so far away....


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