«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: e i g h t e e n years and finally rain

Sunday, January 21, 2007

e i g h t e e n years and finally rain

20th jan.. 18 ! waH.
a very random.. awesome day lol..

firstly .. it RAINED!! woaHH. first time it rained on my birthday..and it's much needed in Australia..so i was happy hehee..

hmmz... just family lunch.. and zac, grace, william and angel rocked up too.. wellz. david too...since it was his family restaurant after all =P

then HOUSE VISITING !!! waHHH!! two houses one day. ... soo fun and so tired... after all the new things i had to take in . lol.

first stop.. William's place .hmm. doveton..duffton.. however ya spell it.. seemed sooooo far away.. almost country land.. but grace kept me entertained by thinking of marketing schemes consisting of selling/auctioning zac's shirt or himself.. for $3.00.. bwahhaaha. you really had ta be there to get her jokes...

his place was soooooooooo big... grace/zac felt right at home .... massive pile of anime for them to stare at. ..i was more fascinated by baby photos.. bwhahahaha.. angel + william = marriage.. lmao.. those photos were FUNNY..

2nd stop. zac's house..
woaH another big house... so many rooms..and ahh. i want a spare room to trash my extra clothes or books or bags or rubbish. =P aH! CHIP! the dog was huGE!.. and broke the door..what my sister was fascinated by was the mini whiteboard on the fridge "Chip kill list" ..woaH so many possums, 2 birds, 2 rats or something..

at all the while.. i couldn't help but feel slight sorry for david.. we just left him there to wash all those dishes ><

hehe then dinner ...chinese.. yet again -_____-' lol....but it was all gooD ....and best of all i think i got enough "lucky packets" for A VIDEO CAM! hehehe.. *must go shopping* panasonic mini DV here i ComE hehehehe..

*photos later*


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