«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: awoken 0.o

Friday, January 19, 2007

awoken 0.o

..today is the last day im seventeen .. *sob*
18 sounds so old..


today i was awoken at 6.50am ..by the sound of the downpour of rain..

YAY FOR RAIN!!!.. water storage 37.4% last time i heard.. eek.. so low ><

ahh.. also awoken to my sister heavy breathing/scoring/burping..

who burps rhythmatically in their sleep??? ^_--

random reading:

Caligynephobia is fear of beautiful women

lmao .. who researched that.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I will probably forget, I'll say it now :P HAPPY 18TH, SANDRAAAAA!!!

Oh Gosh you're old!

11:35 PM  

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